Kendra Little has a great blog post that explains a lot about timeouts, how to create one on purpose, and various ways to find them. She includes a simple query to get the essential information about each timeout from Query Store.
However, I often find myself in the "too much is never enough" mode, and have been using a more complex script that provides significantly more detail. Kendra's post inspired me to Optimize my script, clean it up a bit, and post it here.
/* Find timeouts using Query Store.sql Purpose: This will get data from Query Store about statement timeouts. Two results sets are provided, one with statement text and plans, and one without. The latter is for easy sharing (pasting into Excel, etc.). Author: Mark Freeman (@m60freeman) Last Edited: 2022-03-11 Instructions: Provide a value for @QueryHash or set it to NULL to revieve data for all statements, then execute. Compatibility: SQL Server 2016+, Azure SQL Database License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. References: */ SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; DECLARE @QueryHash UNIQUEIDENTIFIER --= 0xE99B152E01DBEF83 ; CREATE TABLE #Result ( ExecutionType NVARCHAR(60) NULL, FirstExecutionTime DATETIMEOFFSET(7) NOT NULL, LastExecutionTime DATETIMEOFFSET(7) NOT NULL, LastQueryExecutionTime DATETIMEOFFSET(7) NOT NULL, IntervalStart DATETIMEOFFSET(7) NOT NULL, IntervalEnd DATETIMEOFFSET(7) NOT NULL, MaxDurationSecs DECIMAL(18, 4) NOT NULL, AvgDurationSecs DECIMAL(18, 4) NOT NULL, ExecutionCount BIGINT NOT NULL, ObjectName NVARCHAR(128) NULL, QueryHash BINARY(8) NOT NULL, QueryId BIGINT NOT NULL, StatementHandle VARBINARY(44) NOT NULL, StatementType VARCHAR(6) NULL, StmtText NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, QueryPlan XML NOT NULL, QueryPlanHash BINARY(8) NOT NULL, QueryParameterization NVARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, IsTrivial BIT NOT NULL, IsParallel BIT NOT NULL, IsForced BIT NOT NULL, MaxLogicalReads BIGINT NOT NULL, AvgLogicalReads INT NOT NULL, MaxLogicalWrites BIGINT NOT NULL, AvgLogicalWrites INT NOT NULL, Waits NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( IntervalEnd DESC, LastQueryExecutionTime DESC, MaxLogicalReads DESC, StatementHandle, QueryPlanHash) ); WITH Query AS ( SELECT LastQueryExecutionTime = q.last_execution_time ,QueryParameterization = q.query_parameterization_type_desc ,QueryPlan = CAST(p.query_plan AS XML) ,IsTrivial = p.is_trivial_plan ,IsParallel = p.is_parallel_plan ,IsForced = p.is_forced_plan ,ObjectName = OBJECT_NAME(q.[object_id]) ,QueryHash = q.query_hash ,QueryId = q.query_id ,StatementHandle = t.statement_sql_handle ,StmtText = t.query_sql_text ,QueryPlanHash = p.query_plan_hash ,QueryPlanId = p.plan_id FROM sys.query_store_query_text t JOIN sys.query_store_query q ON t.query_text_id = q.query_text_id JOIN sys.query_store_plan p ON q.query_id = p.query_id WHERE t.query_sql_text NOT LIKE 'ALTER INDEX %' AND t.query_sql_text NOT LIKE 'SELECT StatMan%' AND t.query_sql_text NOT LIKE '%encrypted%' AND t.query_sql_text NOT LIKE '(@plan_handle%' AND t.query_sql_text NOT LIKE 'WITH tempdbObjects%' AND t.query_sql_text NOT LIKE 'SELECT SUM(reserved_page_count)%' AND t.query_sql_text NOT LIKE 'SELECT secondary_lag_seconds%' AND q.query_hash = ISNULL(@QueryHash, q.query_hash) ) INSERT INTO #Result WITH (TABLOCK) SELECT ExecutionType = rs.execution_type_desc ,FirstExecutionTime = rs.first_execution_time ,LastExecutionTime = rs.last_execution_time ,q.LastQueryExecutionTime ,IntervalStart = i.start_time ,IntervalEnd = i.end_time ,MaxDurationSecs = CAST(ROUND(rs.max_duration / 1000000.0, 4) AS DECIMAL(18, 4)) ,AvgDurationSecs = CAST(ROUND(rs.avg_duration / 1000000.0, 4) AS DECIMAL(18, 4)) ,ExecutionCount = rs.count_executions ,q.ObjectName ,q.QueryHash ,q.QueryId ,q.StatementHandle ,StatementType = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(N'MERGE ', q.StmtText) > 0 THEN 'MERGE' WHEN CHARINDEX(N'INSERT ', q.StmtText) > 0 THEN 'INSERT' WHEN CHARINDEX(N'UPDATE ', q.StmtText) > 0 THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN CHARINDEX(N'DELETE ', q.StmtText) > 0 THEN 'DELETE' WHEN CHARINDEX(N'SELECT ', q.StmtText) > 0 THEN 'SELECT' END ,q.StmtText ,q.QueryPlan ,q.QueryPlanHash ,q.QueryParameterization ,q.IsTrivial ,q.IsParallel ,q.IsForced ,MaxLogicalReads = rs.max_logical_io_reads ,AvgLogicalReads = CAST(ROUND(rs.avg_logical_io_reads, 0) AS INT) ,MaxLogicalWrites = rs.max_logical_io_writes ,AvgLogicalWrites = CAST(ROUND(rs.avg_logical_io_writes, 0) AS INT) ,w.Waits FROM Query q JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats rs ON q.QueryPlanId = rs.plan_id JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval i ON rs.runtime_stats_interval_id = i.runtime_stats_interval_id OUTER APPLY ( SELECT Waits = STUFF( ( SELECT ', ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, wait_category_desc) + ': ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, total_query_wait_time_ms) + 'ms' FROM ( SELECT ws.wait_category_desc, ws.total_query_wait_time_ms FROM sys.query_store_wait_stats ws WHERE ws.runtime_stats_interval_id = rs.runtime_stats_interval_id AND ws.plan_id = rs.plan_id AND rs.execution_type = ws.execution_type ) WaitValues ORDER BY total_query_wait_time_ms DESC FOR XML PATH('') ), 1, 2, '' ) ) w WHERE rs.execution_type = 3 -- AND rs.first_execution_time >= '2020-12-14 00:00:00' --DATEADD(HOUR, -12, GETDATE()) -- AND rs.last_execution_time <= '2020-12-21 23:23:23' --DATEADD(HOUR, -12, GETDATE()) OPTION (MAXDOP 1); /* To minimize the load when run in production */ SELECT * FROM #Result ORDER BY IntervalEnd DESC, LastQueryExecutionTime DESC, MaxLogicalReads DESC, StatementHandle, QueryPlanHash; /* No statement text or plans, for easy sharing */ SELECT ExecutionType ,ObjectName ,QueryHash ,QueryPlanHash ,QueryId ,FirstExecutionTime ,LastExecutionTime ,LastQueryExecutionTime ,IntervalStart ,IntervalEnd ,MaxDurationSecs ,AvgDurationSecs ,ExecutionCount ,MaxLogicalReads ,AvgLogicalReads ,MaxLogicalWrites ,AvgLogicalWrites ,Waits FROM #Result ORDER BY IntervalEnd DESC, LastQueryExecutionTime DESC, MaxLogicalReads DESC, StatementHandle, QueryPlanHash; DROP TABLE #Result;
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